I’ve finally packaged up and released the PHP Atom API code I wrote as part of webpad. You can download it now and go crazy.
I’ve finally packaged up and released the PHP Atom API code I wrote as part of webpad. You can download it now and go crazy.
Any chance you have working copy of this? Seems that it doesn't work any longer with all the updated Atom implementations….
Unfortunately I don't have an updated version of this code, but the
\”basics\” of the HTTP transactions etc in there should still work
(hopefully). You'll just probably have to write a bunch of custom code
to do specifically whatever you're trying to do. The intention of this
library was really just to provide a super basic layer to make some of
the low-level stuff easier. It was never really intended to
automatically handle any specific implementation of an Atom API.
Thanks for the response Beau. Yeah, the library was seeming to not work at all, but I fiddled around with it a bit, and even though I don't have it working yet, it's getting closer. The main issue seems to be the get_feeds() function, which doesn't seem to be able to correctly parse the responses. I started to convert the RegExs in there over to use SimpleXML… If I get it working I'll let you know. I think that you're right though, that once the feed parsing is cleaned up, that all the other plumbing should *hopefully* just work.
i am passing the correct username and password in the parameter but still its giving error:
Authentication against the AtomAPI endpoint failed. Please check your username/password.
so whats the solution of this.
seven years later and i'm still using bits of the api.
I'm amazed it still works, but that's great to hear
I am wondering how to pass status as draft/publish using this API.
Can you please let know if anything update on this API?
To be honest, I have no idea. I also don\’t know if this still works at all — I haven\’t touched this code in a few years I\’m afraid.
Ok thanks. Not an issue. I have got latest API here https://github.com/saymedia/php-typepad-api. Hope so it will work.