was an essay covering the aspects that have contributed to the current perception of cyberspace, and those that are perhaps overlooked. I don’t have a mark back for this yet, so I don’t know how I went, but I have a feeling that I may perhaps have wandered a little… Assignment 2
Posts from April 2004
Namespace Modification
I’ve modified the namespace being used by XooMLe because it was conflicting with some XSLs and making them not work. The top-level namespace now looks like this;
Please let me know if this causes any problems for anyone.
Assignment One – Resource List
Our first assignment for NET 35 was to create a list of resources which contributed towards our perceived meaning of ‘cyberspace’. We could present it however we liked, but we had to include resources which were grouped according to major themes, and include a description/blurb for each section.
Here’s my list!
As you’ll see, it’s presented as a web page, with collapsing sections for each area that I looked at.