NET26 was a heavy assessment unit, with 4 assessments along the way, and one large final essay to round it all up. The assignments were relatively interesting, but since just about everything we did was for an assignment, it didn’t leave a lot of time for discussing things on the boards, so that part of the class was pretty quiet. Here they are in all their glory ๐

Assignment One was about using online focus groups as a reasearch method and we had to propose to a ficticious client that we wanted to use this method to conduct some research for them.

Assignment Two was to create guidelines for an online survey, but I got a little carried away and created a prototype HTML survey for them as well, using all the usability and accessability ideas I was trying to include.

Assignment Three was a simple analysis of web log data (web traffic, not blogs :P). Some people apparently found this quite difficult, but since it’s part of the business, I didn’t have too many problems.

Assignment Four had me talking about ethnographic research, which I found quite interesting, especially in an Internet-setting, because it’s sometimes hard to know when you are a part of an online culture, and when you’re just there at the same time as one… if you know what I mean.

Assignment Five was the final essay and was really an all-in look at the way that the Internet is affecting research, both in the ways that it’s conducted, and the things available to be researched. We had to focus on the previous 4 topics that we had covered, so it was a bit of a compilation assignment.